Tel: 02921 203 103
Monday to Wednesday - 10:00am to 5:30pm
Thursday - 10:00am to 2:00pm
please email for therapy enquires

You Are a Lighthouse by Mariyah Husayn

You Are a Lighthouse by Mariyah Husayn

You Are a Lighthouse is a valuable self-help resource for meaningful conversations about personal empowerment for any age group. The book utilises a Lighthouse and storms as powerful metaphors to...

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Demystifying Anxiety: Understanding the Signs and Embracing Therapy

Demystifying Anxiety: Understanding the Signs and Embracing Therapy

Anxiety affects millions of people worldwide, taking a toll on their mental and emotional well-being. Fortunately, therapy offers effective strategies for overcoming anxiety and reclaiming a sense...

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Rewiring the Subconscious Mind: Letting Go of the Past and Embracing Mindful Living

Rewiring the Subconscious Mind: Letting Go of the Past and Embracing Mindful Living

In the realm of psychology, the subconscious mind plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. Over time, our subconscious can become a storehouse of past...

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Understanding Learned Behaviour and the Role of Psychotherapy in Promoting Change

Understanding Learned Behaviour and the Role of Psychotherapy in Promoting Change

Learned behaviour is a fundamental concept in psychology that encompasses the behaviours and responses individuals acquire through their experiences and interactions with the environment.

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Empowering Self: Navigating the Inner Voice with Wisdom from Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Susan Jeffers, and Dr. Brene Brown

Empowering Self: Navigating the Inner Voice with Wisdom from Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Susan Jeffers, and Dr. Brene Brown

"We all have that voice in our head, but not all of us choose to let it drive the car." This powerful statement encapsulates the essence of our inner dialogue and the profound impact it can have on...

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Embracing Solitude: Exploring the Power of Introversion in Mental Health

Embracing Solitude: Exploring the Power of Introversion in Mental Health

In a world that often celebrates extroversion and social interaction, the value of solitude and introversion is sometimes overlooked. For individuals whose energy comes from being alone, this is...

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Feed Your Mood: Exploring the Intriguing Links Between Food and Emotional Well-being

Feed Your Mood: Exploring the Intriguing Links Between Food and Emotional Well-being

We've all experienced the connection between what we eat and how we feel. It's not merely a coincidence. Emerging research suggests that there is a complex relationship between our diet and our mood.

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Riding the Waves of Anger: Recognising, Expressing, and Managing it in a Healthy and Safe Way

Riding the Waves of Anger: Recognising, Expressing, and Managing it in a Healthy and Safe Way

Anger is a powerful emotion that can arise in response to various triggers in our daily lives. While it is a normal human emotion, it's crucial to become aware of our anger, learn how to express it...

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Letting Go: The Power of Releasing Grudges for Enhanced Mental Health and Relationships

Letting Go: The Power of Releasing Grudges for Enhanced Mental Health and Relationships

Holding grudges can weigh heavily on our hearts and minds, often causing strain in our relationships and negatively impacting our mental health. We will explore the reasons why it is essential to...

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Understanding PMDD and the Power of Talking Therapies for Effective Management

Understanding PMDD and the Power of Talking Therapies for Effective Management

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) affects a significant number of menstruating individuals, causing distressing physical and emotional symptoms that can disrupt their daily lives. We will...

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The Power of Respect and Kindness

The Power of Respect and Kindness

In our journey towards understanding and addressing mental illness, it is crucial to recognise the profound impact that respect and kindness have on individuals' well-being. When lacking respect...

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The Impact of Adrenaline Fatigue: Unravelling Its Physical, Emotional, and Mental Consequences

The Impact of Adrenaline Fatigue: Unravelling Its Physical, Emotional, and Mental Consequences

Adrenaline fatigue, also known as adrenal fatigue syndrome or hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction, is a complex condition that arises from chronic stress and ongoing release of stress...

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