Tel: 02921 203 103
Monday to Wednesday - 10:00am to 5:30pm
Thursday - 10:00am to 2:00pm
please email for therapy enquires

about andy

about andy

Andy is the clinical director with over 2 decades of experience in psychological study.

our therapies

our therapies

Evidence based & chosen for their effectiveness in treating your mental health.

what can be treated?

what can be treated?

Psychological therapies can treat a wide range of issues. There's always help.



All of our appointments are held at Andy's private clinic in Cardiff Bay or online.


anxiety & depression testing


gender, sexuality & relationship diversity


medical LED phototherapy by Dermalux™ MD


vitamin B12 shots




With more than 2 decades in psychological study.



Focused on your mental and emotional health.



Making things jargon free and direct.



Connection through understanding you.

what our patients say...

I've been under Andy's care for over two years, initially seeking support for severe health anxiety. After trying various counselors without success, I was referred to Andy, and I couldn't be more grateful. With his guidance, I've truly transformed my life. Throughout our sessions, we've explored a range of topics…

“Deep listening is the kind of listening that can help relieve the suffering of another person. You can call it compassionate listening. You listen with only one purpose: to help him or her to empty his heart." ~Thích Nhất Hạnh This is the level of expertise and care you can expect…

Andy is an amazing therapist and incredibly good at his job. I had 12 therapy sessions and I feel like the person I’m always meant to be! So much happier, confident and less anxious and depressed. I 100% recommend Andy Garland Therapies to anyone who feels like they need some…

Life changing, he was so approachable because I was obviously nervous starting out, I was at ease instantly. I'm so happy to say that I finally feel we have resolved the issues I was troubling over, I’ve tried endless amount of therapies but this was the one for me. …

I visited Andy for b12 injections and I would highly recommend, friendly and professional service from start to finish, will definitely be returning.

Andy Garland is a kind, caring, warm and knowledgeable professional. Trust is so important and I trust Andy completely. I recommend Andy with complete confidence.

I don't normally put reviews on any site, but I want to thank Andy from the bottom of my heart for being an amazing therapist. I was nervous, but he put me at ease straight away. I can honestly say I have never felt better. I highly recommend. Thank you so…

You helped me more than you could ever know. Thank you.

I’ve suffered with Trichotillomania for 17 years, since I was 9 years old I’ve tried so many different fidget toys, wigs, therapists, treatments and nothing helped. I started seeing Andy a few years ago and he has helped me to become a year and a half free of pulling my…

Andy has changed my life for the better in so many ways, I cannot thank him enough. I highly recommend Andy to anyone seeking therapy. I have referred multiple friends and family and have all gone on to have the same results as me.

Andy helped me massively. Changed my life, Would highly recommend!

I have been seeing Andy for B12 treatment for almost a year, and I only wish I had found him sooner. There is such a warm and calming welcome at the clinic, from reception to the therapy room. Andy is kind, caring and professional, and really understands the importance…

After 30 years of struggling with extreme anxiety and panic attacks I decided to give therapy one final chance . I have over the years tried everything including psychiatrists, psychologists, hypnotherapy , meditation etc etc etc . I had my first session with Andy and I had never felt so…

I started seeing Andy following a debilitating illness, which left me feeling anxious and inferior. Andy’s empathy, kindness and compassion combined with his therapy skills and experience helped me understand my state of mind and, more importantly, to change it. Thanks to Andy, I no longer feel a sense…

I referred a friend to Andy for psychotherapy. I met Andy at a continuing professional development course and was very impressed with his abilities and his welcoming, non- judgemental way with people. The transformation in my friend since working with Andy has been amazing to see. She’s now happy and…

I have know Andy for about 3 years and he has totally change my life both professionally and socially.Within a few weeks of starting treatment my family and friends could see a difference in my well-being. I am now a very confident and positive person and have progressed very quickly…

Over the years, I have been asked by numerous people if I know of a therapist who can help them with their challenges and issues. I have always recommended Andy Garland therapies to them because Andy has an unwavering passion for his work, excellent expertise, a caring nature…

I first met Andy a decade ago when I was suffering with a general anxiety disorder. Andy really helped me understand what was happening to me physically and emotionally, which in turn helped me regain confidence and a sense of control. As the pandemic hit I sort out Andy's services again…

I was referred to the clinic by my G.P as I wanted more regular B12 injections. The advice and kind support Andy’s provided has been exceptional and utterly professional. I can’t recommend him highly enough.

Andy Garland is at the high end of his expertise. If you’re looking for a Psychotherapist who is non judgmental and kind, look no further. I would recommend Andy without a moment’s hesitation. What matters to me is an authentic heart centred experience from a practitioner who is both highly…

I began to see Andy while struggling to cope with multiple issues that had built up over many years, during our sessions Andy allowed me to understand what I was feeling, why I felt that way and then how to deal with those feelings. Although my treatment was a good…

Having known Andy for many years, I recently sought some help from him for a family member. He was wonderful! His advice, support and encouragement helped get things back on track, seeing issues in a more positive light and better appreciating the influence one can have over them. Andy is…

Patient- centred advice and thorough discussion before my B12 injection was administered. Professional and friendly service. Will definitely recommend to others.

Andy makes you feel at ease as soon as you meet him. He is very professional and always has your health as his priority. Would highly recommend his services to anyone who feels they need it.

Andy has transformed the way I think and act; I would never be where I am without his help, and I will be forever grateful for everything he has taught me over the past 3 years. 1 hour with Andy makes me stand that little bit taller and feel more…

I've been seeing Andy regularly for just over a year now and during that time I've found Andy to be an exceptionally good therapist. Unlike many therapists I have had in the past Andy genuinely cares about his patients, which comes across in his attention to detail and how he…

I’ve been seeing Andy for the best part of two years and to say I’ve seen and felt a huge difference would be a massive understatement. Hugely professional, comforting and understanding. I’ve seen incredible progress in both my work and personal life.

Andy has a great ability to put you at ease and make you feel comfortable. I’d never had or even thought about therapy before going to see him and I would never look back, he’s been brilliant. Thank you Andy so much for your ongoing support!

I have been talking to Andy for about 2 years now and he really has made a huge difference to my life and the way I think about myself/things. I really can’t recommend him enough.

Andy is just brilliant. He is sympathetic and understanding. He does not pass judgment and you really couldn’t be in safer hands. You must have complete trust in your therapist and I would trust Andy implicitly. He has been a godsend to me and i would have no hesitation in…

My teenage daughter started seeing Andy around 2 years ago after a glowing recomendation from a friend who's daughter he also treated. I cannot begin to write about the improvement in my daughter's mental health since seeing Andy. He is always friendly,warm,welcoming and engaging when we see him, and…

I’ve been seeing Andy for just over 2 years now. At first I was sceptical about seeing another therapist as I had tried before but sadly it just didn’t work out. I’ve suffered with severe anxiety and mild levels of depression for most of my adult life and in particular after…

I would very happily recommend Andy to anyone. He's been a great help over the years, and his approach to patient safety over the past 18 months has been exemplary.

I have been having sessions with Andy for a year now! He has helped me so much to deal with my mental health and is very professional helpful and has really helped me to deal with my emotions and feelings! My mental health is getting better and better each day…

I met Andy towards the back end of last year when I was going through an extremely difficult period in my life. As someone who had never previously contemplated referring themselves to a therapist, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but Andy’s level of care and professionalism left me…

Andy Garland is the ultimate caring professional. I never felt intimidated going into his sessions and felt comfortable and safe talking to him. A therapist who genuinely cares about you and how you’re doing and recommends treatments accordingly whilst still giving you the choice of what you want each session…

I went to Andy for three years while undertaking my own psychotherapy studies. His sessions were invaluable. He very skillfully wove my own personal growth with aspects of academia. Many occasions since my sessions I find myself talking through situations in my head the way we did together…

Professional and friendly service that has really helped me out when I needed it. I was comfortable almost immediately and therefore able to talk about the issues troubling me.

Having been with Andy for two and a half years he's become a staple in my wellbeing both on a personal and professional level. With reflection the progress in decision making and other focused areas has been astounding.

I have seen a lot of therapists over the years and I have never managed to find one that I can feel comfortable opening up to until Andy. He is professional, understanding and considerate. Definitely recommend.

I met Andy nearly 12 months ago and he has totally tranformed my life, making me a very confident person and able to deal with any situation that my arise within my personal and work life. Andy is a very professional and sincere person and helps you to look at…

I've known Andy for over ten years. His mix of professionalism and caring support creates an excellent environment for self-reflection and development. He's a thoroughly decent chap, dedicated to helping people.

I met Andy several years ago, he was referred to us via our consultant. He is an immensely likeable person, thoroughly professional and extremely considerate. He has helped us at various times immeasurably and continues to do so. I have recommended him to other members of my family…

Having been a client of Andy's for 3.5 years now, I can safely say we have developed a trustworthy and reliable relationship. Andy is wonderfully professional and warm and really has enabled me to change my behaviours and lifestyle. I have recommended him to many friends and will continue to…

I referred a friend to Andy for psychotherapy. I met Andy at a continuing professional development course and was very impressed with his abilities and his welcoming, non- judgemental way with people. The transformation in my friend since working with Andy has been amazing to see. She’s now happy and…

Andy is an exceptional professional. I don’t recommend lightly and I have recommended him to over 50 people. I will continue to do so. It’s no wonder he is always busy as he is a master at what he does and his level of care and clinical professionalism is second…

I met Andy towards the back end of last year when I was going through an extremely difficult period in my life. As someone who had never previously contemplated referring themselves to a therapist, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect, but Andy’s level of care and professionalism left me…

Andy Garland is the ultimate caring professional. I never felt intimidated going into his sessions and felt comfortable and safe talking to him. A therapist who genuinely cares about you and how you’re doing and recommends treatments accordingly whilst still giving you the choice of what you want each session…

I never realised how much I was keeping to myself until I started talking to you Andy. My partner has always said that I keep everything in, and I guess she's right! I'm feeling oddly much lighter, and that chatter in my head that I talked about is…

I'm the happiest I have ever been, and I know only too well that there's a challenging road ahead, though I'm set-up for it and ready to take it on! You told me right from the start that unless I accepted myself, no-one else was going to. I'm…

Being able to recognise that my behaviour wasn't normal has been such a learning curve for me. Of course I understood that I wasn't feel well, though I don't think I would have taken responsibility for changing it - I wanted it to happen to me, rather than me…

My biggest test has been passed with flying colours! The nurse couldn't quite believe how calm I was, and actually asked me if the Doctor had prescribed a valium for me! I have to say that there was still a shade of nervousness, though nothing that would have…

Your commitment to my recovery has been more than I could have ever expected. I'm well on the road to handling my demons, and I know this will probably be a life-time of focus and attention to ensure it doesn't take over me again. I've come across many…

I remember our first telephone conversation and how anxious/embarrassed I was, though I needn't have been. Even just speaking with you on the phone I could tell that nothing was phasing you. My G.P had made the referral as you know, and after trying the usual medications I…

My life was actually pretty damn awful for going on 4 years, and trying to get help had been a complete nightmare! When I eventually got a referral to you, I thought that it was all too late, and I would forever be governed by these panic attacks. …

Your honesty and compassion over the last few months have lifted me out of that dark hole I was sitting in. It has been nice to be able to laugh, and not feel guilty. Of course, I still miss her terribly, and I know I always will, though…

Ever since a child I remember being the kid who would prefer to watch TV and read books, rather than go out and play with friends. And, as an adult I've preferred my own company over socialising, which has removed me from the small group of friends that I…

You may remember me telling you about the series 'Dexter', and how he refers to his manic side of his personality as a 'Dark Passenger'. I felt like that for so many years, I knew there could be times when everything would be okay, though I always held onto…

I was thinking about our last session, and you said that I'm seeking other peoples' acceptance, though had still to accept myself. Your words really did stay with me, and you're quite right - how can I expect people to accept me if I'm not willing to do the…

I remember not that long ago waking up in the morning, and almost wondering when I would feel the anxiety of my next panic attack - not a pleasant way to start each day. I'm just past 12 months out of therapy with you, and feel so much more…

It's quite difficult to put into words how much of difference my sessions with you have made to me, and of course my family. I'm participating in their lives for the first time in several years - my wife said it's like getting her husband back! I have…

It's been almost 5 years since my stomach pain first reared its ugly head, and it's been a constant in my life daily ever since. You really were my last hope after being referred to you by my consultant at St. Woolos, so I had all my eggs in…

My referral to you from Dr Llewellyn felt like my absolute last hope. Since being diagnosed with CFS and understanding what I've been living with for the past 5 years helped somewhat, though it didn't change how I was feeling. With your help Andy I have grasped hold…

I recall watching a series called 'Dexter', and he referred to his obsession as his 'dark passenger', this has been such a clear description to how I felt about my anxiety and depression. I must say, it was an unwanted passenger! Over the last few weeks I have…

Life has been a real struggle since the car accident, and trying to put it out of mind was almost impossible. Almost evey area of my life was affected, sleep, my marriage, work, the list goes on. Getting to therapy was such an important step, and I haven't…

I started writing this to you, and felt a little bit sad over how long it took me to find the strength to move on. I'm overall happy though, and the most important thing is not to regret - live life for the now, Andy! My sessions with…

I was surprised at how difficult it has been to find a therapist that fully understood my Bipolar disorder, so when my Doctor referred me to you, I was doubtful that you'd be able to help. From the first chat we had on the telephone, I could tell that…

I accepted a long time ago that my family set-up is unconventional, though hadn't realised that I (in your words Andy) 'normalised' their and my behaviour. My sessions with you, gave me more than insight into why I act the way I do - I now understand that I…

It's been a real tough few years, and looking back I wonder how I managed to hold down my job. I felt an almost immediate confidence in you Andy, right from the first time we chatted on the phone. I did find those first couple of sessions particularly…

By the time I had come to see you, so many horrible things had already happened, and I kept finding myself repeating the same routine - forgiving and going back. Your support helped me to make a decision that I've been frightened of for over 10 years. I…

I've heard other people say that they've felt their depression lift from them, and I could only hope that I would get to this place. I've tried therapy several times over my adult life, and really made no progress, or at least, very little. After the third session…

I'm just about to celebrate my 3rd anniversary of being sober...big up me! Before I got to see you Andy I really was spinning out of control, of course I wasn't so aware of it, though my wife and family were so concerned. I did need to take…

Thank you for making me feel at ease Andy, and helping to minimise my embarassment. In fact, that's what held me back from seeking help earlier - worried about what someone may think of me. After the first few sessions my sexual anxiety was in far more control,…

It's been a tough experience for me, and there were times that I thought I would be better off not dealing with the pain and hurt. I'm so glad that I found the courage to continue, and you helped me so much with that Andy - such kindness and…

I took quite a bit of nerve to make the appointment with you; after that telephone chat we had on the phone I felt so much better. We were both so anxious coming into the first session, though quickly you helped us settle in. I have to say…

I was truly at my last hope when I contacted you, and probably put way too much emphasis on you being able to 'fix' me. I had used drugs for almost 8 years, and didn't really see it as a problem, though it was was. Working with you…

I sat down to write this to you, and realised how much I've changed in these past 8 months. Not getting out of bed; taking time off work; not seeing family and friends...basically living life solo. My energy has increased to the point that I've started exercising again,…

I've been reading a few of your testimonials, and am not sure what else I can add to the wonderful comments. I would like to say how grateful I am that you took the time to fully understand my story, and more importantly, not let me get-away with excuses…

I've been in and out of therapy thoughout my adult life, and until meeting you Andy, I haven't found someone who took the time to understand me, and I guess just listen. Therapy has never been about stopping my behaviour, it's more on how I can manage the times…

After the first session I came away feeling more at ease. It was the first time someone was able to describe how I was feeling, and the impact anxiety was having on my life - I felt immediately lighter. My life looks so different right now, I'm doing…

Your support has been second to none. I was just a little unsure on how you'd be able to help me, though I'm feeling much more controlled with my emotions. Of course, I still have moments when my mum's passing hits me, and I'm sure that will be…

As you know it was a real struggle for me to even make a booking, and then a few attempts at putting it off. In truth, it was pretty difficult at times and there was more than one occasion that I felt it wasn't worth the pain and tears.…

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