Tel: 02921 203 103
Monday to Wednesday - 10:00am to 5:30pm
Thursday - 10:00am to 2:00pm
please email for therapy enquires

You Are a Lighthouse by Mariyah Husayn

You Are a Lighthouse by Mariyah Husayn

You Are a Lighthouse is a valuable self-help resource for meaningful conversations about personal empowerment for any age group. The book utilises a Lighthouse and storms as powerful metaphors to...

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Demystifying Anxiety: Understanding the Signs and Embracing Therapy

Demystifying Anxiety: Understanding the Signs and Embracing Therapy

Anxiety affects millions of people worldwide, taking a toll on their mental and emotional well-being. Fortunately, therapy offers effective strategies for overcoming anxiety and reclaiming a sense...

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Rewiring the Subconscious Mind: Letting Go of the Past and Embracing Mindful Living

Rewiring the Subconscious Mind: Letting Go of the Past and Embracing Mindful Living

In the realm of psychology, the subconscious mind plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts, emotions, and behaviours. Over time, our subconscious can become a storehouse of past...

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Understanding Learned Behaviour and the Role of Psychotherapy in Promoting Change

Understanding Learned Behaviour and the Role of Psychotherapy in Promoting Change

Learned behaviour is a fundamental concept in psychology that encompasses the behaviours and responses individuals acquire through their experiences and interactions with the environment.

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Empowering Self: Navigating the Inner Voice with Wisdom from Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Susan Jeffers, and Dr. Brene Brown

Empowering Self: Navigating the Inner Voice with Wisdom from Dr. Wayne Dyer, Dr. Susan Jeffers, and Dr. Brene Brown

"We all have that voice in our head, but not all of us choose to let it drive the car." This powerful statement encapsulates the essence of our inner dialogue and the profound impact it can have on...

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Embracing Solitude: Exploring the Power of Introversion in Mental Health

Embracing Solitude: Exploring the Power of Introversion in Mental Health

In a world that often celebrates extroversion and social interaction, the value of solitude and introversion is sometimes overlooked. For individuals whose energy comes from being alone, this is...

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Feed Your Mood: Exploring the Intriguing Links Between Food and Emotional Well-being

Feed Your Mood: Exploring the Intriguing Links Between Food and Emotional Well-being

We've all experienced the connection between what we eat and how we feel. It's not merely a coincidence. Emerging research suggests that there is a complex relationship between our diet and our mood.

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Riding the Waves of Anger: Recognising, Expressing, and Managing it in a Healthy and Safe Way

Riding the Waves of Anger: Recognising, Expressing, and Managing it in a Healthy and Safe Way

Anger is a powerful emotion that can arise in response to various triggers in our daily lives. While it is a normal human emotion, it's crucial to become aware of our anger, learn how to express it...

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Letting Go: The Power of Releasing Grudges for Enhanced Mental Health and Relationships

Letting Go: The Power of Releasing Grudges for Enhanced Mental Health and Relationships

Holding grudges can weigh heavily on our hearts and minds, often causing strain in our relationships and negatively impacting our mental health. We will explore the reasons why it is essential to...

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Understanding PMDD and the Power of Talking Therapies for Effective Management

Understanding PMDD and the Power of Talking Therapies for Effective Management

Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD) affects a significant number of menstruating individuals, causing distressing physical and emotional symptoms that can disrupt their daily lives. We will...

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The Power of Respect and Kindness

The Power of Respect and Kindness

In our journey towards understanding and addressing mental illness, it is crucial to recognise the profound impact that respect and kindness have on individuals' well-being. When lacking respect...

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The Impact of Adrenaline Fatigue: Unravelling Its Physical, Emotional, and Mental Consequences

The Impact of Adrenaline Fatigue: Unravelling Its Physical, Emotional, and Mental Consequences

Adrenaline fatigue, also known as adrenal fatigue syndrome or hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis dysfunction, is a complex condition that arises from chronic stress and ongoing release of stress...

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Embracing Neurodiversity: A Path to Personal Growth and Mental Well-being

Embracing Neurodiversity: A Path to Personal Growth and Mental Well-being

In recent years, society has witnessed a growing recognition and appreciation for neurodiversity. The concept of neurodiversity recognises that neurological differences, such as Autism Spectrum...

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Unravelling Neural Pathways: Their Impact on Mental Health and Well-being

Unravelling Neural Pathways: Their Impact on Mental Health and Well-being

At the core of our intricate brain functions lie neural pathways. These interconnected networks of nerve cells play a crucial role in shaping our thoughts, behaviours, and emotions. We will delve...

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The Healing Power of Your Pets: Unleashing Joy and Well-being

The Healing Power of Your Pets: Unleashing Joy and Well-being

If you've ever had a furry friend in your life, you already know they bring an incredible amount of joy and companionship. But did you know that pets have the power to heal? The bond between humans...

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Understanding Depersonalisation: A Diverse Perspective on Dissociative Experiences

Understanding Depersonalisation: A Diverse Perspective on Dissociative Experiences

Depersonalisation, a dissociative phenomenon, involves a subjective experience of feeling disconnected or detached from oneself, one's body, or one's surroundings. It is estimated that...

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Harnessing the Power of Light: The Mental Health Benefits of LED Phototherapy

Harnessing the Power of Light: The Mental Health Benefits of LED Phototherapy

In recent years, the therapeutic applications of light have garnered significant attention. Among the emerging techniques, LED phototherapy has gained recognition for its potential to positively...

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The Impact of High Levels of Cortisol: Unveiling the Physical and Emotional Toll

The Impact of High Levels of Cortisol: Unveiling the Physical and Emotional Toll

Stress, anxiety, and the fast pace of modern life can take a toll on our well-being. Amidst the chaos, our bodies respond by releasing cortisol, a hormone associated with the body's stress response...

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Journeying Beyond the Ego: Embracing Presence through Eckhart Tolle's Teachings

Journeying Beyond the Ego: Embracing Presence through Eckhart Tolle's Teachings

In the realm of spiritual enlightenment, Eckhart Tolle has emerged as a guiding light, offering profound insights into the human experience and the complexities of the mind. Central to his...

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Breathing Away Anxiety: The Healing Power of Breath

Breathing Away Anxiety: The Healing Power of Breath

Anxiety is a common experience that affects millions of people worldwide. It can manifest as a racing heart, shallow breathing, and an overwhelming feeling of unease. Those who struggle with...

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Why Men Access Psychotherapy Less Than Women and Steps to Change This Trend

Why Men Access Psychotherapy Less Than Women and Steps to Change This Trend

Mental health is a critical component of overall well-being, yet there remains a significant gap in the uptake of psychotherapy services between men and women. Studies consistently show that men...

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Health Anxiety: Unravelling the Cycle of Persistent Concerns

Health Anxiety: Unravelling the Cycle of Persistent Concerns

Health anxiety, also known as illness anxiety disorder or hypochondriasis, is a psychological condition characterised by excessive worry and fear about having a serious medical condition.

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The Powerful Connection Between Vitamin B12 and Mental Health

The Powerful Connection Between Vitamin B12 and Mental Health

When it comes to maintaining our overall well-being, we often focus on factors like regular exercise, a balanced diet, and sufficient sleep. However, one vital nutrient that plays a significant...

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The Magic of Smiling: Elevating Your Mental Health and Well-being

The Magic of Smiling: Elevating Your Mental Health and Well-being

In a world filled with challenges and stress, it is easy to overlook the simple yet transformative power of a smile. Beyond being a universal expression of joy, smiling holds incredible potential...

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Exploring the Physiological Effects of Anxiety on the Human Body

Exploring the Physiological Effects of Anxiety on the Human Body

Anxiety, a common emotional response to stress, can significantly impact our lives and overall well-being. While it is normal to experience anxiety in certain situations, persistent and...

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Maintaining Digital Hygiene: Nurturing Mental Health in the Digital Age

Maintaining Digital Hygiene: Nurturing Mental Health in the Digital Age

In today's modern world, technology reigns supreme, revolutionising the way we live, work, and communicate. While the digital era brings undeniable benefits, such as convenience and connectivity...

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The Profound Impact of Kindness on Our Mental Health

The Profound Impact of Kindness on Our Mental Health

The profound impact of kindness on our mental health is a topic that has garnered significant attention in recent years. Many scholars and spiritual leaders, such as Eckhart Tolle, Ram Dass, and...

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Ever feel like you’re still not a ‘real‘ grown-up? Here’s why...

Ever feel like you’re still not a ‘real‘ grown-up? Here’s why...

Do you always feel like an actual, proper adult? The kind who’s put together, in control, and unafraid to do things like schedule a GP appointment or go to the bank? If your answer is “no”, you’re...

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How micro-stresses at work can affect your mental health

How micro-stresses at work can affect your mental health

You spill your coffee over your keyboard. Your laptop dies as soon as you’re trying to send an email. When you’ve finally fired it back up, you manage to send the email without the necessary...

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Exercising at The Same Time Each Day May Unlock Hidden Health Benefits

Exercising at The Same Time Each Day May Unlock Hidden Health Benefits

Here's a simple improvement you might want to make to your exercise regime: commit to doing whatever activity you do at the same time each day. A new study in mice suggests several benefits come...

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Knowing Your Partner’s “Argument Style” Can Be A Relationship Game-Changer

Knowing Your Partner’s “Argument Style” Can Be A Relationship Game-Changer

The past couple of years have popularised the idea of understanding your attachment style, identifying a partner’s perceived narcissism or ranking their emotional intelligence. But perhaps one of...

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What therapists want you to know about grief...

What therapists want you to know about grief...

In honour of the recent Grief Awareness Week, Hello! Magazine spoke to Andy Garland and other therapists about how to cope when you're processing a loss...

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Estranged from family? This is how it can impact your mental health...

Estranged from family? This is how it can impact your mental health...

As children and young adults, family is at the very core of our development. So, if you have a troubled relationship with one or both parents, it can have a knock-on effect on who you are as an...

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The Power of Conversations: How Talking with Friends Aids Mental Health

The Power of Conversations: How Talking with Friends Aids Mental Health

In a world where technology often disconnects us from meaningful human interactions, the value of talking with friends cannot be overstated, especially when it comes to our mental well-being.

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Unveiling the Transformative Benefits of Psychedelics in Psychotherapy

Unveiling the Transformative Benefits of Psychedelics in Psychotherapy

Psychedelics have long been shrouded in mystery and stigma, but recent scientific research and clinical trials have begun to shed light on their potential as powerful tools in psychotherapy.

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The key to depression, obesity, alcoholism – and more? Why the vagus nerve is so exciting to scientists

The key to depression, obesity, alcoholism – and more? Why the vagus nerve is so exciting to scientists

This ‘electrical superhighway’ helps to control everything from our breathing to our immune system. Could stimulating it transform physical and mental health? I've made a cup of coffee, written...

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Why fidgeting is good for you

Why fidgeting is good for you

Often seen as a sign of rudeness, nerves or simply that you are not paying attention, it may be time to change our view of people who jiggle, tap and fiddle. As a child, I was regularly told off...

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When does ‘normal’ anxiety become an anxiety disorder?

When does ‘normal’ anxiety become an anxiety disorder?

We’re living in a state where worries and nerves are to be expected, so it can feel tricky to notice when these feelings become a sign of something bigger.

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The 4 Most Important Things You Need to Do to Recover From “Super-Helper Syndrome”

The 4 Most Important Things You Need to Do to Recover From “Super-Helper Syndrome”

Psychologists Jess Baker and Rod Vincent explain the four stages of unlearning super-helper syndrome, and how to get started. Have you ever wondered if you might be doing too much for other...

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are you the scapegoat in your family dynamic? Here’s how to cope...

are you the scapegoat in your family dynamic? Here’s how to cope...

Being made the scapegoat is a truly painful experience. How do you heal from it? ‘Scapegoat’ is a real buzzword in the final drop of Netflix’s Harry & Meghan episodes. Meghan’s friend describes...

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what are sleep affirmations and do sleep affirmations work?

what are sleep affirmations and do sleep affirmations work?

Do sleep affirmations work? Our experts reveal how this night time practice can benefit your wellbeing. If you struggle to nod off, you've most likely exhausted the majority of tried-and-tested...

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Is your memory struggling? Here are 10 ways to boost your recall...

Is your memory struggling? Here are 10 ways to boost your recall...

Methods for strengthening memory can be traced back hundreds, if not thousands of years. The key insight was learning to think in pictures, rather than words. And when you think of it, this makes...

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no, your problems aren’t too small to seek therapy

no, your problems aren’t too small to seek therapy

The phrase ‘drama queen’ has really not done wonders for our mental health. So high is the stigma around being ‘melodramatic’, that we’re often inclined to dismiss our own problems as...

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how to deal with stress when you have to keep pushing on

how to deal with stress when you have to keep pushing on

Anyone else feeling frazzled at the moment? Whether it’s worries about finances amidst a crippling cost of living crisis, or an ever-increasing workload with surging rates of burnout – there’s a...

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REM sleep is magical. Here’s what the experts know.

REM sleep is magical. Here’s what the experts know.

Any sleep tracker will show you that slumber is far from a passive affair. And no stage of sleep demonstrates that better than rapid eye movement, or REM, commonly called dream sleep. “It’s also...

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why do we find making new friends so hard as adults?

why do we find making new friends so hard as adults?

Loneliness is everywhere—so how can we get better at making new friends? The answer: vulnerability, trust and time. If you’ve ever tried to make new friends as an adult, you’ll probably see why...

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Discover Exceptional Mental Health Care at Andy Garland Therapies in Cardiff Bay

Discover Exceptional Mental Health Care at Andy Garland Therapies in Cardiff Bay

In Cardiff Bay, just across from The Nuffield private hospital, lies Andy Garland Therapies, a trusted mental health clinic offering a wide range of counselling and psychotherapy services. Located...

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why walking your dog can boost your mental health

why walking your dog can boost your mental health

Dogs love daily walks because they get to sniff, exercise and spend quality time with their owners - and if they’re lucky, chase a tennis ball too. The good news is that owners also receive the...

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'smiling depression’ is a thing—here’s how to know if you have it

'smiling depression’ is a thing—here’s how to know if you have it

Depression doesn't look the same for everyone. Symptoms of depression seem pretty easy to spot: disinterest in things you used to love, an attitude that can change at the drop of a hat, a desire...

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hypnic jerks: why you sometimes feel a weird jolting sensation when you’re falling asleep

hypnic jerks: why you sometimes feel a weird jolting sensation when you’re falling asleep

That weird jolting or falling sensation you sometimes feel when you’re falling asleep is called a hypnic jerk. Here’s why they happen. When you really think about it, falling asleep is a pretty...

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vitamin B12 injections available at our Cardiff clinic

vitamin B12 injections available at our Cardiff clinic

What Is Vitamin B12? An Essential Nutrient for Blood and Nervous System Function. An essential nutrient, cobalamin—better known as vitamin B12—benefits your body in many ways. These include...

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how to unlock your creativity

how to unlock your creativity

How to unlock your creativity – even if you see yourself as a conventional thinker. Do you think that creativity is an innate gift? Think again. Many people believe that creative thinking is...

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the science of habits

the science of habits

If you’re trying to break a bad habit or start a good one, psychologists have some tips. For many of us, the past year has disrupted deeply ingrained habits. Some people report exercising less...

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top surgery dramatically improves quality of life for young trans adults

top surgery dramatically improves quality of life for young trans adults

Top surgery dramatically improves the lives of trans adolescents and young adults, a first-of-its-kind study has found. The study, published by researchers at the Northwestern University Feinberg...

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how to feel less depleted at the end of the day

how to feel less depleted at the end of the day

We can all relate to that afternoon slump. Here’s how to feel less depleted at the end of the day. We all know that feeling when 3 p.m rolls around, and it becomes indescribably difficult to...

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breaking down the stigma around severe mental illness

breaking down the stigma around severe mental illness

A lot has changed since my first article about mental illness was published more than six years ago. My prefrontal cortex has finished developing, I’ve written and published a book of advice for...

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seasonal affective disorder: how your circadian rhythm can dictate your wellbeing

seasonal affective disorder: how your circadian rhythm can dictate your wellbeing

As the nights get longer and the days darker, one of London’s top doctors explains how to deal with SAD. The transition between the seasons can leave one in 20 of us with ‘winter blues’, 10 per...

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why we enjoy fear: the science of a good scare

why we enjoy fear: the science of a good scare

The thrill of a frightening film can feel euphoric – and mild horror, say researchers, can also help foster lasting psychological resilience. Palms sweat, heartbeat quickens, muscles tense.

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six easy ways to train your mind to relax

six easy ways to train your mind to relax

Just relax. Chill out. Take it easy. Easier said than done, right? Being able to handle stress and relax your mind is a skill that needs practice. It’s a habit, and like any habit, it’s one that...

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how to live in the present moment

how to live in the present moment

‘Live in the moment’ has become a bit of a buzz-term. We’re told that living in the past is a path to regrets, and worrying about the future is a waste of time. That’s all well and good, but how...

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Britain’s tourette’s mystery review – is Tik Tok really causing the boom in tics?

Britain’s tourette’s mystery review – is Tik Tok really causing the boom in tics?

Doctors who once saw four or five cases in teens a year now see that many per week. Scarlett Moffatt – who had a tic as a child – is the perfect person to investigate the phenomenon’s link to...

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research shows grumpy moods can actually be useful

research shows grumpy moods can actually be useful

Don’t fear emotions such as regret, anger or worry. As psychiatry, which uses medical and biological methods to treat mental disorders, has largely overtaken psychotherapy, which relies on...

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how to make the baggage of your past easier to carry

how to make the baggage of your past easier to carry

Rewriting the stories you tell about yourself can make for a better future. When people consider making big changes in life—moving cities, changing careers, leaving relationships, quitting jobs...

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why the secrets you keep are hurting you

why the secrets you keep are hurting you

It hurts to keep secrets. Secrecy is associated with lower well-being, worse health, and less satisfying relationships. Research has linked secrecy to increased anxiety, depression, symptoms of...

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how to tell if you’re a people pleaser

how to tell if you’re a people pleaser

How to tell if you’re a people pleaser: The 8 signs you’re too nice and why it’s impacting your wellbeing. Yes, there is such a thing as being “too nice”, according to a psychologist. When it...

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the truth about social media and anxiety

the truth about social media and anxiety

‘Phones are like a scab we know we shouldn’t pick’: the truth about social media and anxiety. Although connecting with friends online has positive benefits for mental health, overdoing screen time...

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how to use food to help your mood

how to use food to help your mood

Depression and low mood are not separate from the rest of your bodily health: the right diet can help reduce your risk. A lovely cup of tea. Anyone who grew up watching British television in the...

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wondering if you have ADHD because of TikTok?

wondering if you have ADHD because of TikTok?

The hashtag #adhd has more than 11 billion views on TikTok. Kind of a big deal. This social-media embrace of ADHD has upsides. One of them: It’s destigmatized a condition that’s long been...

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how to be healthy in a dopamine-seeking culture

how to be healthy in a dopamine-seeking culture

Our basic biology can steer us toward bad habits and compulsive behavior. Overcoming these pitfalls requires effort and discipline. Let’s start with a simple question: If you are hungry...

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emotional intelligence: how to respond, not react.

emotional intelligence: how to respond, not react.

Ever find yourself just snapping? You say something you almost immediately regret. Tears seem to pop up for no reason. You’re in a total panic and don’t know why. This is an emotional reaction.

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a sleep hack to help you drift off in minutes

a sleep hack to help you drift off in minutes

This easy ear massage is the latest sleep hack helping people drift off in minutes. Whether you are feeling particularly stressed or suffer with insomnia, struggling to fall asleep can really...

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therapist-approved tips to tackle nighttime anxiety

therapist-approved tips to tackle nighttime anxiety

From ‘polyvagal’ exercises to tricking your brain into tiredness – try these practical tips. Tossing and turning in bed, anxious thoughts fill your mind: you think about all the things you haven’t...

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trans people’s mental health is at crisis point in UK

trans people’s mental health is at crisis point in UK

Trans people’s mental health is at crisis point in UK, warns experts. Helplines report rising demand, as conversion practices decision follows years of ‘negativity from government, media and...

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six core personality traits of highly sensitive people

six core personality traits of highly sensitive people

These are the six core personality traits that highly sensitive people possess, says study. Highly sensitive people can get a lot of stick – often labelled as ‘too emotional’ or someone who...

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how feelings help you think

how feelings help you think

The surprising science of how feelings help you think. A new book explains how our emotions—not just our rational thoughts—are often running the show upstairs. Leonard Mlodinow has made a career...

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small talk can save lives

small talk can save lives

A stranger’s small talk saved my life, it could help others feeling hopeless. When I was 19 years old, I was struggling to cope. My experience of university wasn’t what I thought it’d be.

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stop overthinking everything

stop overthinking everything

Mental tricks to stop overthinking everything: stop worrying and start growing. Being a leader requires confidence, decisiveness, and quick thinking--none of which are served by overthinking every...

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magic mushrooms safe to treat mental health

magic mushrooms safe to treat mental health

Magic mushrooms safe to use for treating mental health conditions, study finds. A trip to the doctor for a dose of magic mushrooms could help treat mental health conditions like PTSD, according to...

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how to control your negative inner voice

how to control your negative inner voice

There’s no escape from the voice in our head, whether it’s memorising information or creating cataclysmic scenarios, and it impacts everything we do. It’s why Ethan Kross, a psychology professor...

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Are New Year's resolutions powerful or pointless?

Are New Year's resolutions powerful or pointless?

1st January may seem like an arbitrary date to start self-improvement, but there are good psychological reasons for doing so. Almost every year of my adult life, I’ve started the New Year with a...

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what is gaslighting?

what is gaslighting?

What is gaslighting? The meaning and origin of the term explained. There are plenty of buzzwords in the dating and relationship worlds which are silly and of little consequence long-term...

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what is habit stacking and does it work?

what is habit stacking and does it work?

Building better habits isn’t easy. We say we’ll start meditating every day, juicing, hitting the gym a certain number of times a week, stop negative self-talk… and somehow the days roll on just as...

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the best houseplants to relieve stress and anxiety

the best houseplants to relieve stress and anxiety

A bit of greenery in your home goes a long way. Houseplants make any space look more stylish and homely, and they make you look like you definitely have your life together. But, aside from making...

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success bombing: the issue no one talks about

success bombing: the issue no one talks about

Psychology: ‘success bombing’ is the awkward friendship issue that no one talks about. Success bombing is a symptom of our increasingly narcissistic culture, and it’s having a negative impact on...

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talk with andy - edition 4

talk with andy - edition 4

As the resident therapist at the online LGBTQymru magazine I'll be answering your questions on mental health and life. Here's my column from the fourth edition. You'll also find links to read the...

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how books can impact your mental health

how books can impact your mental health

We’ve long known that we can find comfort, solace and help in the pages of a book, and now research has confirmed that reading can be good for our mental health. It’s that moment when you sink...

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micromanipulation: covert narcissistic tactics

micromanipulation: covert narcissistic tactics

Micromanipulation: the covert tactic that narcissists use in arguments to reassert control. Eliciting sympathy and demanding attention are pretty common tactics in the course of your average...

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study links too much free time to lower sense of wellbeing

study links too much free time to lower sense of wellbeing

Research shows there is a ‘sweet spot’ and subjective wellbeing drops off after about five hours. The lesson of Goldilocks, that one can have too much of a good thing, even when it comes to the...

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stay calm during confrontation

stay calm during confrontation

How to stay calm during a confrontation: A psychologist explains why it’s so hard to keep a handle on your emotions when your buttons are pushed, and what you can do to have more productive...

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how to deal with brain fog

how to deal with brain fog

The pandemic has seen us overhaul our lives, but in the least energetic way. With plenty more solitude and screen time under our belts, how might this have impacted upon our brain health?...

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talk with andy - edition 3

talk with andy - edition 3

As the resident therapist at the online LGBTQymru magazine I'll be answering your questions on mental health and life. Here's my column from the third edition. You'll also find links to read the...

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why do we procrastinate?

why do we procrastinate?

The science behind why we procrastinate—and how to stop the cycle. From making a doctor’s appointment to doing speedwork, new research digs into the reason we put things off. You know you have to...

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IV vitamin drips in Cardiff

IV vitamin drips in Cardiff

Vitamin IV Drip Review: 'I Tried a Nutrient Drip for 2 Weeks': Can they do more than generate a few 'likes' on Insta? If there's any single time of year when you might feel the need to inject...

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signs and symptoms of vitamin B12 deficency

signs and symptoms of vitamin B12 deficency

9 signs and symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency: Vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin, is an important water-soluble vitamin. It plays an essential role in the production of your red blood cells...

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how to be a better human being

how to be a better human being

3 healthier ways to cope with criticism, disappointment and defeat. One of the most fundamental human needs is to feel like things are basically OK — that we’re not failures, that the world isn’t...

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men seeking therapy

men seeking therapy

Men seeking therapy: Andy Garland talks about the importance of conversations about men's health. Reaching out and asking for help should be straight forward and easy. This isn’t the case for...

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animal magic improving mental health

animal magic improving mental health

Dogs have a magic effect: how pets can improve our mental health. Canine companions trigger similar neural pathways to the parent-baby bond, and reduce loneliness and depression. Now new pet...

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vitamin B12 injections available in Cardiff

vitamin B12 injections available in Cardiff

Vitamin B12 injections are very popular. People often believe they’ll act as a safety net and help to ensure adequate nutrient intake. Supplementing with vitamin B12 is particularly common...

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CBD oil for mental health

CBD oil for mental health

CBD oil for mental health - should you take it too? Is this supplement simply snake oil, or is it actually good for mental health? About 20 percent of the population suffers from some form of...

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talk with andy - edition 2

talk with andy - edition 2

As the resident therapist at the online LGBTQymru magazine I'll be answering your questions on mental health and life. Here's my column from the second edition. You'll also find links to read the...

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anxiety and gut bacteria

anxiety and gut bacteria

Anxiety might be alleviated by regulating gut bacteria. People who experience anxiety symptoms might be helped by taking steps to regulate the microorganisms in their gut using probiotic and...

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vitamin B12 and your mental health

vitamin B12 and your mental health

Vitamin B12 and other B vitamins play a role in producing brain chemicals that affect mood and other brain functions. Low levels of B12 and other B vitamins such as vitamin B6 and folate may be...

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when depression wears a smile

when depression wears a smile

When depression wears a smile, even psychiatrists like me can be deceived. By the time mental ill health is visible, it’s probably very bad. The best risk assessment is to listen rather than look.

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anxiety and your sleep

anxiety and your sleep

Can’t sleep because of anxiety? Here’s 5 techniques to help you relax. Getting a good night’s sleep is one of the best things we can do to prepare our bodies to deal with anxiety and stress...

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is it stress or anxiety?

is it stress or anxiety?

Is it stress or anxiety? Here’s how to tell the difference. During the coronavirus pandemic, levels of stress and anxiety have been on the rise. From the pressures of working from home to worries...

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talk with andy - edition 1

talk with andy - edition 1

I was delighted to accept a resident columnist role with the new online magazine LGBTQymru. As the resident therapist I'll be answering your questions on mental health and life. The first edition...

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male suicide crisis

male suicide crisis

Is society's 'Man up' message fuelling a suicide crisis among men? Suicide is the biggest killer of men under the age of 50. What is it about being male in the UK that is fuelling this mental...

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what is high-functioning anxiety?

what is high-functioning anxiety?

High-functioning anxiety: could you unknowingly be dealing with this mental health condition? High-functioning anxiety can cause us to continue taking on outside stress and obligations, even if...

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your inner voice

your inner voice

Your internal monologue shapes mental wellbeing, says psychologist Ethan Kross. He has the tools to improve your mind’s backchat. s Ethan Kross, an American experimental psychologist...

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OBE for Craig Bevan Stephenson

OBE for Craig Bevan Stephenson

Craig Bevan Stephenson our Executive Coach, and former Director of Engagement at Senedd Cymru is awarded the OBE in Her Majesty’s New Year’s Honours List 2021 for Services to the Welsh Parliament...

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monday morning anxiety

monday morning anxiety

Don't let the thought of monday ruin your sunday. Can't stop thinking about work on Sunday afternoon? You're not alone. Here's how to ensure you enjoy every moment of your weekend. It’s 4pm on...

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affects of bullying on adulthood

affects of bullying on adulthood

How being bullied affects your adulthood: one researcher who has interviewed hundreds of adults who were bullied as teens posits an interesting theory. Typically, in American schools, bullying is...

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i'm a man with bulimia

i'm a man with bulimia

Like Freddie Flintoff, I am a man who has suffered with bulimia. On an early October morning in 2018, I went for a run. I had one goal: to keep my weight down. For the best part of the year, I...

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lockdown anxiety

lockdown anxiety

For people with social anxiety, lockdown is ‘a double-edged sword’. We know that the pandemic has had a far-reaching and irrevokable impact on our minds – so much so that it may have changed the...

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gaslighting - warning signs

gaslighting - warning signs

Gaslighting is a manipulation tactic used to gain power. And it works too well. Gaslighting is a tactic in which a person or entity, in order to gain more power, makes a victim question their...

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fitness and mental health

fitness and mental health

One step at a time: how to improve mental health through fitness. From regular walks to workouts or team sports, there are all kinds of activities that can help anxiety and depression. Here’s how...

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who are you?

who are you?

How we choose to see ourselves is always a choice. Where we choose to see ourselves from is an important choice we make. I know that I’m not the psychologically constructed identity I’ve built over...

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helping those that self-harm

helping those that self-harm

Worried about a friend or loved one? We share 10 ways you can help and support someone who self-harms. Self-harm can affect individuals at any age. No matter what their situation, both those with...

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avoidance of uncertainty

avoidance of uncertainty

Avoidance of uncertainty: generalised anxiety explained: Learn why your anxiety may be about fear of the unknown and what to do about it. One of the first things I explain to my anxious patients...

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how meditation helps your brain

how meditation helps your brain

How meditation helps your brain when you’re stressed: according to experts. Whenever I'm feeling overly anxious and stressed, meditating always makes me feel better. This is because after a...

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being kind to yourself

being kind to yourself

Don’t run yourself ragged being kind to others if you aren’t being kind to yourself. Kindness is great! Good deeds are, well, good! But heed this warning: before you race out to bake cookies for...

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gaining confidence from anxiety

gaining confidence from anxiety

Anxiety attacks can often crush your self-confidence – and that can make you feel like you’re trapped in a vicious circle. But don’t despair, you can break free from the damaging cycle, and return...

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freeing your EGO

freeing your EGO

Eckhart Tolle, author of A New Earth, explains how to break through the shell that separates you from your true self. Vanity and pride are what most of us tend to think of when we think of ego...

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breathe through 2020

breathe through 2020

Breathing techniques to try when you’re feeling stressed or anxious. How many times have you heard that advice when you’re in the middle of a stress-induced meltdown? The problem, though, is...

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declutter your mind

declutter your mind

Most of us are familiar with the benefits of decluttering our physical space, but what if we could declutter our experiences and thoughts in the same way we do with our clothes? We’re continually...

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living with social anxiety

living with social anxiety

When I said I Had Plans, I Lied. What it's really like to have social anxiety. I don’t feel guilty for declining invitations if I’m sick. So why do I feel ashamed to admit that I’m feeling...

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cannabis and your mental health

cannabis and your mental health

Risks of cannabis use for mental health treatment outweigh benefits. A new study shows evidence of positive outcomes is scarce while symptoms can be exacerbated. The use of cannabis medicines to...

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insomnia: you can beat it

insomnia: you can beat it

When your mind won't switch off at night, sleep becomes a distant dream. Sarah Plater spent over a decade looking for a cure, only to realise that she already had everything she needed. Falling...

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a mental health break from work

a mental health break from work

Should we ask our bosses for a mental health break every few months? In the last month, several celebrities have announced that they are taking a break after an intense working period. Ed Sheer...

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from panic to public speaking

from panic to public speaking

When my anxiety was at its peak, I had multiple panic attacks every day. My body was always on high alert, fight-or-flight always active, heart-rate always elevated. My “worst case scenario” mind...

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depression and your sleep

depression and your sleep

The complicated relationship between depression and your sleep: Depression and sleep have a complex relationship. Often, said relationship is very all-or-nothing, with the sufferer either finding...

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improve your mental fitness

improve your mental fitness

A daily plan to improve your mental fitness: With a growing awareness and understanding of mental health problems – and an acceptance that they can happen indiscriminately to anyone – we are slowly...

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just relax

just relax

How idleness ignites imagination: "There is no rest for the weary." This mindless maxim guides our modern lives and directs us to persevere and refuse respite from our frenzied schedules...

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what is cyber self-harm?

what is cyber self-harm?

Nasty messages, vicious comments – we’ve all seen or heard about online trolling, but what would cause someone to send such hurtful comments to themselves? Being a teenager is tough. This is often...

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your appearance: mental health

your appearance: mental health

The beauty industry is finally taking note of mental health issues with a more holistic approach and it’s about time. How our beauty rituals have become more therapeutic thanks to an industry shake...

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intersex: here's what that means

intersex: here's what that means

I’m Alex, and I'm an intersex young person. I started puberty a bit late, so I went to a doctor and he ran some tests. He told me that I had high levels of testosterone, and introduced me to the...

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stress and depression: the link

stress and depression: the link

The link between stress and depression, and the 10 simple words that could help. Neurological insights into how the brain processes stress, and how it can develop into depression, have led to new...

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tame your reactive emotions

tame your reactive emotions

Tame reactive emotions by naming them: By labelling an emotion, we can create distance between ourselves and our experience that allows us to choose how to respond to challenges. It was a...

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what is eco-anxiety?

what is eco-anxiety?

Pollution, wildfires, rising sea levels, thinning ice sheets. We often hear how humans are damaging the planet, but for some people climate change is an overwhelming worry that has a big impact on...

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anxiety in men

anxiety in men

Anxiety in men: you may not know you have it. That tickly cough, excessive drinking — signs of a male mental health crisis can easily be missed. I still remember the cough. Furry, tickly and...

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have you tried nunchi?

have you tried nunchi?

“I tried Nunchi in a bid to ease my social anxiety – and this is what happened": Poorna Bell tried nunchi – the Korean secret to happiness – to help her be less self-conscious and awkward in social...

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dangers of chemsex

dangers of chemsex

NHS urged to respond to growing health dangers of chemsex. Gay men describe how they became dependent on heavy drug use at group sex parties, as alarm is raised over lack of coordinated response...

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quit smoking this stoptober!

quit smoking this stoptober!

5 steps to a smoke free life: This October, the team behind Stoptober is ready to help you split up with smoking and we’re keen to lend a helping hand where we can If you want to stop smoking, you...

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5 wellbeing benefits of singing

5 wellbeing benefits of singing

Whether you have vocal pipes to rival Beyoncé, or would describe yourself as ‘musically challenged’, singing can do wonders for your wellbeing. Now that’s music to our ears. As children, we sang...

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trichotillomania: the truth

trichotillomania: the truth

The truth about trichotillomania: Have you ever had an urge to do something and not really understood why? I have. Throughout my adolescence, I was plagued by trichotillomania. Trichotillomania...

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gender pronouns

gender pronouns

He, she, they … should we now clarify our preferred pronouns when we say hello? Pronoun introductions are seen as a positive step towards a better understanding of gender – but it’s complicated...

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ASMR: brain tingling?

ASMR: brain tingling?

Can ASMR help with anxiety? Videos of people whispering, tapping, and chewing have become a YouTube phenomenon. But what exactly is ASMR, and can it promote mental wellbeing? Let’s dive into the...

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brexit anxiety

brexit anxiety

Brexit anxiety: how to look after your mental health during political chaos. Whether you're feeling frustrated or completely overwhelmed – this guide will help you navigate your emotions in the...

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alcohol addiction: 4 signs

alcohol addiction: 4 signs

4 signs to spot alcohol addiction: Booze is one of the biggest risk factors for death, ill-health, and disability in the UK, yet signs of its serious misuse can be hard to identify. While...

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anxiety - more than worrying

anxiety - more than worrying

What does having an anxiety disorder actually feel like? It’s very different to just being a worrier. We’re talking about mental health more and more, which is great, but it’s also causing a lot...

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managing migraines

managing migraines

How to manage migraines: Migraineurs, as migraine sufferers are known, are familiar with taking a tablet and retreating into the darkness to wait for the pounding pain, throbbing temples, nausea...

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insomnia and your mental health

insomnia and your mental health

My insomnia is a desperately lonely experience: Until I was 17, I thought everyone struggled through sleepless nights. I really believed that the trauma of desperately trying and failing to fall...

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first welsh gender identity clinic

first welsh gender identity clinic

The first Welsh Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) will open in September in Cardiff, the Welsh government has said. The BBC reports that the health minister Vaughan Gething said that setting up the...

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why we lie to our therapists

why we lie to our therapists

Why do some people lie to their therapists? Lying is, for better or worse, a behavior humans take part in at some point in their lives. On average, Americans tell one to two lies a day, multiple...

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join andy on twitter

join andy on twitter

Come and join in with the chat @TALKwithANDY. Lots of shared #mentalhealth advice to keep you well and up to date...

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healthy morning habits

healthy morning habits

7 morning habits that can affect your entire day. Your morning routine is like setting up a string of dominoes: You line everything up for success, but one false move can cause it all to come...

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eating disorder: misconceptions

eating disorder: misconceptions

5 common misconceptions about eating disorders debunked. I was recently diagnosed with bulimia nervosa. Before this shocking diagnosis, I never knew what it was like to be someone who had a known...

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qualities of likeable people

qualities of likeable people

6 qualities of extremely likeable People, according to science. Are you interested in others? This would be a good start. There are so many factors to consider when it comes to being a person...

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creativity and your mental health

creativity and your mental health

Top tips: looking after your mental health with creativity. Roshane is going to tell you about how creativity helped him to express his emotions. He will then share a list of creative activities...

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are you emotionally intelligent?

are you emotionally intelligent?

Are you emotionally intelligent? Here's how to know for sure: emotional intelligence is a huge driver of success. When emotional intelligence (EQ) first appeared to the masses, it served as the...

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gender dysphoria

gender dysphoria

Treatment for gender dysphoria aims to help people with the condition live the way they want to, in their preferred gender identity.What this means will vary from person to person, and is different...

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happy and depressed

happy and depressed

Your depressed friend’s good mood doesn’t mean they’re cured. So much of the world’s population is depressed, you’d think we’d all have a clear understanding of it by now. One in four people in...

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contagious emotions

contagious emotions

When are you most likely to catch other people’s emotions? Researchers discovered an important factor that influences how contagious emotions are. In a new study, Stanford psychologists examined...

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ftm: binding safely

ftm: binding safely

A complete guide to chest binding for trans men: Chest binding is done to flatten out the appearance of the chest. A wide range of people practice chest binding, and it is commonly done by trans...

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dealing with trauma

dealing with trauma

What is trauma? Following a deeply disturbing or threatening event, or trauma, it is normal to feel distressed and overwhelmed. Traumatic events include actual or threatened death, serious injury...

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designed to be happy?

designed to be happy?

Humans aren’t designed to be happy – so stop trying: A huge happiness and positive thinking industry, estimated to be worth US$11 billion a year, has helped to create the fantasy that happiness is...

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menopause & your mental health

menopause & your mental health

The menopause is no joking matter - believe me: Over the last few days I have spoken to women in various states of emotional distress due to their menopause symptoms and the way that they have been...

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drugs, alcohol and mental health

drugs, alcohol and mental health

This article explains how using drugs and alcohol can affect your mental health. It also explains how you can get help to stop using drugs and alcohol. In this section, ‘drugs’ means recreational...

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overcome fear and anxiety

overcome fear and anxiety

Fear is one of the most powerful emotions. It has a very strong effect on your mind and body. Fear can create strong signals of response when we’re in emergencies – for instance, if we are caught...

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explaining depression

explaining depression

How to explain depression to people who don’t understand it: Anyone who has depression will be the first to tell you it’s an absolute hoot. A LOL-riot. A gala of pleasure. A carnival of...

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adult bullying

adult bullying

Adult bullying: It’s not just child’s play…We read and hear so much nowadays about children being bullied, especially in schools and online. But what about grownups? Those who are bullies in...

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autism spectrum disorder: adults

autism spectrum disorder: adults

What does autism spectrum disorder look like in adults? Awareness of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in adults has grown dramatically in recent years, which reflects both an increase in diagnoses...

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non-binary: becoming an ally

non-binary: becoming an ally

10 ways to step up as an ally to non-binary people: The 14th July is International Non-binary People’s Day, which aims to celebrate the wide range of people worldwide who identify as non...

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train your brain

train your brain

How to train your brain to go positive instead of negative: Our brain is not designed to create happiness, as much as we wish it were so. Our brain evolved to promote survival. It saves the happy...

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self-harm scars: no shame

self-harm scars: no shame

People with self-harm scars should be able to show their skin without shame. I’ve had a problem with self-harm since I was 13. That means I’ve been intentionally injuring my body for exactly...

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high-functioning depression

high-functioning depression

Yes, your hilarious friend can still be depressed. This ‘high-functioning’ depression is often easy to miss. Depression looks different on everyone, and never seems to appear quite how you thought...

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avoidant personality disorder

avoidant personality disorder

Avoidant personality disorder (APD) is an enduring pattern of behavior related to social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and sensitivity to rejection that causes problems in work situations and...

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gender nonconforming

gender nonconforming

What does gender nonconforming mean? Sex is a group of biological traits linked to reproduction. This is different, however, from gender. Gender is the set of roles, expectations, and scripts...

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dealing with PTSD

dealing with PTSD

Seven ways to deal with post-traumatic stress disorder: PTSD can be caused by a range of experiences, from a car crash to rape to surviving a terrorist attack. But how do you know if you have it...

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suicide prevention: papyrus

suicide prevention: papyrus

PAPYRUS is the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide. Suicide is the biggest killer of young people – male and female – under 35 in the UK. Every year many thousands more...

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body image: tips for you

body image: tips for you

There are some actions we can take to improve how we feel about our bodies and help us to protect, promote and maintain a positive body image throughout our lives. If your body image is a...

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hearing voices

hearing voices

How to support someone who is hearing voices: Someone with voices in their head may be frightened, anxious, fragile, and vulnerable. But don’t be daunted – here’s what you can do to support them...

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domestic abuse & mental health

domestic abuse & mental health

Domestic abuse victims are more likely to suffer a mental illness. Research finds women who have been abused by a partner are three times more likely to suffer mental ill health. Women who have...

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supporting mental health

supporting mental health

How do you support someone with a mental health problem? We all go through tough times and people help us through them. Other times we have been worried about other people’s mental health. Whether...

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understanding antidepressants

understanding antidepressants

This article gives information about antidepressants. Antidepressants can help with different mental health problems, including low mood, depression, and anxiety. Antidepressant medications are.....

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your first memory - really?

your first memory - really?

Your earliest memory probably never happened. What is your first memory? A vivid scene may come to mind, seen from toddler eyes. Unfortunately, that scene may be a work of fiction, a new study finds.

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sex and your mental health

sex and your mental health

The science of sex: what happens to our bodies when we're aroused? It’s good for our mental and physical health, lowering blood pressure and boosting the immune system. Sex is the most talked...

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are you alcohol dependent?

are you alcohol dependent?

If you find it difficult to enjoy yourself or relax without having a drink, it’s possible you’ve become dependent on alcohol. The NHS estimates that just under one in 10 (8.7%) men in the UK and...

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get moving and feel better

get moving and feel better

Being physically active means sitting down less and moving our bodies more. Many people find that physical activity helps them maintain positive mental health, either on its own, or in combination...

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body image and mental health

body image and mental health

What do you think you look like? Body image is the mental representation you create, but it may or may not bear any relation to how others actually see you. Body image is subject to all kinds of...

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music=increased life expectancy

music=increased life expectancy

A new study conducted by O2, a company which owns some of United Kingdom’s largest music venues, and Patrick Fagan claims that attending live concerts can help increase life expectancy and improve...

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5 ways to do a digital detox

5 ways to do a digital detox

"I used to work 11-hour weekdays and half-day Saturdays, and I was mentally consumed with work for much of the remainder," Blake Snow reveals in his new book, Log Off: How to Stay Connected after...

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mental health awareness

mental health awareness

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and organizations across the nation will be drawing attention to the various—and often-surprising—way mental illness affects people’s lives. This May, a number...

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OCD: a guide

OCD: a guide

It’s normal, on occasion, to go back and double-check that the iron is unplugged or your car is locked. But if you suffer from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), obsessive thoughts and compulsive...

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dissociative disorders

dissociative disorders

Dissociation is a mental process where a person disconnects from their thoughts, feelings, memories or sense of identity. Dissociative disorders include dissociative amnesia, dissociative fugue...

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erectile dysfunction (ED)

erectile dysfunction (ED)

Though you might think of erectile dysfunction as an older man’s problem, statistics show that this condition affects men of all ages. In fact, approximately 25% of new ED cases are men under the...

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mind cymru

mind cymru

Mind Cymru provide advice and support to empower anyone experiencing a mental health problem. We campaign to improve services, raise awareness and promote understanding. We won't give up until...

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coming out as LGBTQ+ as an adult

coming out as LGBTQ+ as an adult

Telling people about your sexual orientation or gender identity is called coming out. Coming out is not necessarily a one-off event - lesbian, gay, bi and trans (LGBT) people may have to come out...

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the experience of shame

the experience of shame

The experience of shame—a feeling of being unworthy, bad, or wrong—can be extremely uncomfortable. Shame has the potential to change the way we see...

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teenage self-harm

teenage self-harm

Some one in 12 young people aged between eight and 19 self-harm, and rates in the UK are among the highest in Europe.

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19 men discuss antidepressants

19 men discuss antidepressants

When it comes to mental health, everyone deals with things differently – which means that different treatments work for different people.

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9 women discuss antidepressants

9 women discuss antidepressants

In a widely read excerpt from his new book, Lost Connections, controversial author Johann Hari asks, “Is everything you know about depression wrong?”

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seven ways to start meditating

seven ways to start meditating

“This idea that meditation is hard work and takes a long time to master is not correct,” says Jillian Lavender, co-founder of the London Meditation Centre.

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rewire your brain for happiness

rewire your brain for happiness

Is happiness something we can cultivate or is it a result of our environment? New scientific research is shedding light on the answer, and the results are encouraging.

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understanding male suicide

understanding male suicide

Statistics published in the Samaritans Suicide Statistics Report 2017 show there were 6,639 suicides in the UK and Republic of Ireland in 2015.

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transgender day of visibility

transgender day of visibility

The International Transgender Day of Visibility (TDoV) is celebrated on March 31 every year. It was founded in 2009 by Rachel Crandall, a licensed psychotherapist specializing in transgender issues

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