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Andy Garland Therapies - Counselling Cardiff - Mental Health Services Cardiff - Cardiff Therapists - sex problems

condition name:

sex problems

condition information:

If you are experiencing sex problems, you will probably be feeling very alone and helpless. Shame, fear and embarrassment are other common emotions felt by people living with sexual dysfunction, and many will suffer for months, even years in silence - too afraid to discuss their concerns with anyone.

Sex problems are very common, and can occur for a number of reasons. In the majority of cases they are linked to other challenges and difficulties. For example, when you are feeling stressed and have a lot on your mind, you don't often feel like having sex or being intimate. This knock-on effect is usually mild and temporary and will soon dissipate, but if a sexual problem is more severe and complex, it can have stronger and longer-term effects on your sexuality, your relationships and way of life.

Seeking help as soon as possible is vital for ensuring your sex problems do not have far reaching consequences. Sex therapy is considered highly effective for addressing the causes of sexual dysfunction, and for helping people to develop healthier attitudes towards sex and sexual intimacy.

A sex problem, or sexual dysfunction refers to a difficulty that occurs during any phase of the sexual response cycle. The sexual response cycle is the sequence of emotional and physical changes that take place when a person becomes sexually aroused and engages in a sexually stimulating activity, such as intercourse or masturbation. There are four stages to this cycle - excitement, plateau, orgasm and resolution - and if the body fails to respond during one or all of these, it may signify a sex problem.

Andy Garland Therapies - Counselling Cardiff - Mental Health Services Cardiff - Cardiff Therapists - sex problems
Andy Garland Therapies - Counselling Cardiff - Mental Health Services Cardiff - Cardiff Therapists - sex problems
Andy Garland Therapies - Counselling Cardiff - Mental Health Services Cardiff - Cardiff Therapists - sex problems

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