condition name:
relationships and family
condition information:
Relationships are a vital part of our lives. They can bring us great happiness and strong connections with our family members, friends and work colleagues help us maintain health, well-being and fulfilment. While for many people these relationships offer an important source of love, support and advice, for others, it may not come so easy. Strong, happy relationships need time and effort. But sometimes these bonds break down, leaving a person feeling lonely, sad and lost.
There are many things that can contribute to the break down of a relationship. In today's society, individuals often face a variety of personal and social problems. When life gets in the way, communication can break down, a person's health can deteriorate and conflicts may arise.
The breakdown of key relationships can have long lasting effects on our physical and mental health.
Relationship issues are extremely varied. They will often depend on the type of relationship and the circumstances that have led to disagreement or conflict. A relationship therapist will work with a range of couples and individuals and there are many reasons why they may be experiencing difficulties.