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From the moment we hit adolescence we begin to learn about reproduction, and not just the how, but also the why. We are taught about the worth and sense of fulfillment that can come hand in hand with having a family, so naturally we grow up believing that when the time comes for us to create are own descendants (if of course we wish to), we will be able to do so. But what if the time comes and we are unable to conceive?
Infertility has been a source of sadness and despair since the earliest times, with stories of the emotional and social struggles of being unable to reproduce even appearing in the Old Testament.
Feeling that your body is suddenly working against you can be a very painful realisation, and on top of this you may then also be expected to make extremely difficult decisions regarding your future. Should you try again? Or is it time to start thinking of other ways to start a family?
So what is infertility? Infertility by definition, is a difficulty in conceiving despite having regular unprotected sex. There is no definitive cut off period after which a medical professional is able to say a couple is 'infertile', though statistics do suggest that the probability of a couple who have been trying to fall pregnant naturally for more than three years with no success is 25% or less.