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Andy Garland Therapies - Counselling Cardiff - Mental Health Services Cardiff - Cardiff Therapists - hearing voices

condition name:

hearing voices

condition information:

Hearing voices is not as rare as you might think. Many of us will have heard noises or voices that others haven't heard at some point in our lives. It's estimated that as many as one in 10 people hear voices on a more regular basis. For some, this can be a scary experience, for others, it can be a comfort.

We're all totally unique and experience the world differently, so it makes sense that those who hear voices will have different experiences. These voices may crop up when no one else is around, or when you're in a room full of people. There could be just one voice or many. You may recognise the voice as someone you know or it could be the voice of a stranger.

For some, the voices can be positive, uplifting and even comforting. For others, what they hear can be confusing, frightening and commanding. It may sound like someone is standing next to you talking, or it may be more like a thought. Sometimes people have a combination of the two. You may not hear voices at all. You may hear other noises like knocking or music. When you hear something other people can't, it's generally called an auditory hallucination. Other forms of hallucination include seeing, smelling, tasting and feeling things others don't.

Andy Garland Therapies - Counselling Cardiff - Mental Health Services Cardiff - Cardiff Therapists - hearing voices

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