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Andy Garland Therapies - Counselling Cardiff - Mental Health Services Cardiff - Cardiff Therapists - borderline personality disorder

condition name:

borderline personality disorder

condition information:

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a type of personality disorder. You may be diagnosed with a personality disorder if you have difficulties with how you think and feel about yourself and other people, and as a result, are having problems living your life. Despite affecting around one in 100 people, BPD is often misunderstood. Symptoms of BPD can be very similar to other mental health problems, and so, misdiagnosis is common and many people struggle to find the support they need.

Whether you experience milder, or more severe symptoms, the impact it can have on your life and those around you can be significant. With BPD, you may find it hard to cope with the demands of everyday life, feeling a range of difficult emotions and unpredictable mood changes. Some people feel particularly sensitive to disapproval and rejection and as a result, need the comfort and affirmation of others to support their self-worth and self-image.

Without the right support and the misunderstanding and stigma that surrounds BPD, life can be incredibly lonely. But there is help available. Progress is being made and slowly, people are learning more about BPD and the stigma is starting to diminish.

Andy Garland Therapies - Counselling Cardiff - Mental Health Services Cardiff - Cardiff Therapists - borderline personality disorder

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