Tel: 02921 203 103
Monday to Wednesday - 10:00am to 5:30pm
Thursday - 10:00am to 2:00pm
please email for therapy enquires

trichotillomania: the truth

trichotillomania: the truth

The truth about trichotillomania: Have you ever had an urge to do something and not really understood why? I have. Throughout my adolescence, I was plagued by trichotillomania. Trichotillomania...

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gender pronouns

gender pronouns

He, she, they … should we now clarify our preferred pronouns when we say hello? Pronoun introductions are seen as a positive step towards a better understanding of gender – but it’s complicated...

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ASMR: brain tingling?

ASMR: brain tingling?

Can ASMR help with anxiety? Videos of people whispering, tapping, and chewing have become a YouTube phenomenon. But what exactly is ASMR, and can it promote mental wellbeing? Let’s dive into the...

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brexit anxiety

brexit anxiety

Brexit anxiety: how to look after your mental health during political chaos. Whether you're feeling frustrated or completely overwhelmed – this guide will help you navigate your emotions in the...

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alcohol addiction: 4 signs

alcohol addiction: 4 signs

4 signs to spot alcohol addiction: Booze is one of the biggest risk factors for death, ill-health, and disability in the UK, yet signs of its serious misuse can be hard to identify. While...

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anxiety - more than worrying

anxiety - more than worrying

What does having an anxiety disorder actually feel like? It’s very different to just being a worrier. We’re talking about mental health more and more, which is great, but it’s also causing a lot...

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managing migraines

managing migraines

How to manage migraines: Migraineurs, as migraine sufferers are known, are familiar with taking a tablet and retreating into the darkness to wait for the pounding pain, throbbing temples, nausea...

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insomnia and your mental health

insomnia and your mental health

My insomnia is a desperately lonely experience: Until I was 17, I thought everyone struggled through sleepless nights. I really believed that the trauma of desperately trying and failing to fall...

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first welsh gender identity clinic

first welsh gender identity clinic

The first Welsh Gender Identity Clinic (GIC) will open in September in Cardiff, the Welsh government has said. The BBC reports that the health minister Vaughan Gething said that setting up the...

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why we lie to our therapists

why we lie to our therapists

Why do some people lie to their therapists? Lying is, for better or worse, a behavior humans take part in at some point in their lives. On average, Americans tell one to two lies a day, multiple...

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join andy on twitter

join andy on twitter

Come and join in with the chat @TALKwithANDY. Lots of shared #mentalhealth advice to keep you well and up to date...

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healthy morning habits

healthy morning habits

7 morning habits that can affect your entire day. Your morning routine is like setting up a string of dominoes: You line everything up for success, but one false move can cause it all to come...

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